Pack 5's
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Pack 5 Overview
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Cub Scout Pack 5
(Wilmette, Illinois)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login


Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 5!

Pack 5 is a Cub Scout pack of about 50 boys located in Wilmette, Illinois.  We draw primarily, but not exclusively, from Central School and the east side of Wilmette. 

Pack 5 holds most of its meetings at the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette, located at 9th Street and Greenleaf, one block south of Central School.  FPCW chartered Pack 5 in 1949, and we have been running strong ever since.  Pack 5 is open to boys of all faiths.  Membership in FPCW or adherence to the Presbyterian faith is not a prerequisite to joining Pack 5.

The Cub Scout program is a program for boys in grades 1-5.  Cub Scouts work towards rank advancement:  Grade 1 (Tigers); Grade 2 (Wolves); Grade 3 (Bears); and Grade 4 (Webelos I); and Grade 5 (Webelos II). 

While many boys join Pack 5 at the beginning of first grade, boys are welcome to join at any time.

We are a very active Pack and welcome new scouts and their families.  We have a great thing going and would love for you to be a part of it!

To request more information, please click on the "Contact Our Pack" link above.