Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 326!
We meet at St. Patrick Catholic Church in White Lake, MI. Our Pack meetings are usually the last Friday of every month at 7pm. Den meetings are weekly and vary on day and time depending on the den. We are over 60 families strong and provide a very active program for all scouts including many overnight and offsite opportunities. To become a member of our pack, contact our Cub Master, Darin West, at 248.739.6381.
If you are a current member of Pack 326 that needs access to our secure site please contact Rob Ritter at robritter@wlcsd.org.
Pack 326 Vision
Pack 326’s vision is to build desirable qualities of character, train in the responsibilities of participating in citizenship, and develop personal fitness in scouts. Prepare scouts for the future by exposing them to a variety of life experiences through the pursuit of achievements in scouting. Develop youth into leaders and valuable contributors to society guided by the Cub Scout promise, Motto and law of the pack.
Pack 326’s mission is to help scouts develop ethical decision making skills by using the purpose, method, and ideals of scouting as tools that provide opportunities to have fun, learn, and grow. Specifically to provide scouts a learning environment that allows them to develop skills, while having fun achieving rank, acquiring skills by completing achievements, and participating in activities such as service projects, go see it’s, derbies, camping , Den and Pack meetings.